December 2021 - Berries of Christmas

And December is about Christmas, and candles, and red, and holly and all sorts of happy decorations in the home. We were having a competition at the camera club – to illustrate Christmas things. One of the days was candles (I think) so I made up this scene, with leaves and berries from the garden and a glass candle holder with a lit tea candle inside. 

It’s a totally different style from most of my favourite photos – a lot more happening in the picture than I normally like. Usually, my choice of a good photo will have a lot of empty or nearly empty space with the point of interest being very obvious. This image though, hasn’t got any particular focal point for you to look deeply at. And Christmas is often like that too – with lots of things happening, family get togethers, remembering to take the turkey out of the freezer in time, huge amounts of cooking, brussels sprouts etc etc! I think that this picture captures some of the colour of Christmas (those red berries at the front and the white berries at the back for instance) as well as some of the chaos and messiness of our preparations. Unsurprisingly (to me anyway) it didn’t get any prizes, but it is a memory picture that brings back some recollections of the time.


January 2022 - The year begins!


December 2021 - Rose in the sky