September 2021 - Conkers

2021 09 September --2020-09-20 at 15-20-22.jpg

Another still life – hopefully my photos are getting more interesting after the amount of practice I have been getting. (Although I’m not convinced!). There are loads of conkers around at the moment and I made this simple image from windfalls on the pathway. 

I am quite interested by the colours and shapes of the conker husks – both when they are ‘new’ as well as when they get older and dryer.  And the bright red of the conker itself is always a delight.

And I also like the contrast between the husk just beginning to open up and the one where the conker is ready to fall out. Does this composition work? I think so, and it gives me a sense of calm and colour in one hit!

2021 09 September --2020-09-20 at 15-16-46.jpg

This photo on the other hand doesn’t work in quite the same way. The composition is interesting (I think), but it doesn’t feel as balanced and satisfying as the first photo.  But … what I like about it is the sense that the ‘unborn’ conker is laughing at us – look at the smile on the face of the husk. It looks a bit like one of the Muppets, but its spikes make it slightly more dangerous!


September 2021 - Cooling down


September 2021 - Otters