January 2021 - Radiant reed
And here’s another photo of one of the ferns at the Wetland Centre – this time looking through it and into the sun. This time I used my long telephoto lens to fill the frame with the reed – I did very little cropping.
I took quite a few pictures of these reeds while I was there: they do seem to have a lot of potential for interest. I some cases I have converted them to black & white – emphasising the structure of the feathery fronds – while others I have focussed in on some detail of the feathers. All of them are satisfying to look at, and I will certainly be back to take more photos.
It may be easy to say that you have finished photographing something, and I am certainly very guilty of this. But in truth there is very often another way of looking at it that might reveal new ways of looking at it. Some scenes seem to have been photographed to death – how many photos of the London Eye, or of a swan, have you seen? But regardless of how many – it is only our imagination that limits our art – we can always go back to see that bird or sight and look for another view. Always worth it, especially these days when we are limited in the places we can visit.