February 2021 - Dunlin over the sea

I went down to Lancing at the end of the month; we are not allowed to use our caravan between the beginning of November and the end of February in case it becomes a permanent home. But we are allowed a few ‘maintenance’ days, so I used them to come down a bit early to open up the caravan, putting all the bed linen back on, sort out the other things that had been locked away, but mostly to just enjoy being there. The water is drained down and the gas turned off during the winter by a local plumber, and he undoes that early in February, ready for the caravan park to open again. 

The sea birds were there in numbers – and this picture of a flock of Dunlin flying over the waves seems to me to be a stereotypical view – one that I really love. It isn’t a hugely creative photo, just a picture of the birds flying, but it is very evocative (to me at least) and keeps me looking forward to when I can next go down. 


March 2021 - Skimming stones


February 2021 - Southwark - London Underground