August 2020 - The London Underground
I like the Underground! There are so many patterns and lines that make for interesting pictures. A friend of mine and I were in the middle of a project to photograph some of the London Underground’s character – when COVID-19 jumped in and brought that to a halt. Doubtless some of those pictures will appear in a future article, but this particular photo was taken at Bank Station in the City last year. There is a huge building programme going on to renovate the old station. These escalators are new – I had never seen them before – and a very eye-catching design. As so often, I used my iPhone to catch the picture and it did it well.
I like the lines going up and converging in the distance. I tried to take the picture without anyone in it – seemed to me that that would keep the picture to be about patterns - but didn’t succeed; and now I m glad. The person at the top left gives a focal point to the photo. It’s another photo that won’t make it into the realm of ‘greats’, but still nice and pleasing.