November 2020 - A hole in the clouds

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It’s one of my quirks that I really like to photograph things that a lot of my fellow photographers ignore. I enjoy beach huts and seagulls, and also enjoy the shapes and drama that clouds can give. 

As in every year, I was down in Lancing for the last time in the year, last November. We are not allowed to stay in the caravan during the period 1 November through to 1 March; I believe that this is a tax thing – if we could live there permanently then we should be paying council tax, but if we are not then we don’t. And our insurance cover also doesn’t cover us for being there during that period.  So, it was a sad time as I was closing up the place, making sure all the bed linen and cushions and the like were wrapped up and put somewhere where they wouldn’t get damp, ensure that the dehumidifiers had new tablets in, and that anything that I might need at home was identified and brought back with me.

It’s never a happy time!

Anyway, I had my camera and on one of the evenings there was this lovely set of clouds over the sea, with the sun shining through. Now, I have taken loads of pictures of clouds and sun, but this sight was a bit different. It was if the sun had burned a hole through the cloud and was determined to let it know who was boss. The picture is like a searchlight with the rays of light shining through. I love it – I think that the composition is very dramatic, and the rays that you can see coming down from the cloud into the sea add a sense of something happening, of that drama. 


November 2020 - A soft, soft sunset


October 2020 - A beach near Port Alfred