November 2020 - A soft, soft sunset
One evening in Lancing, the sun was setting behind the clouds, and the type of cloud or their makeup gave these glorious colours. A good memory of a nice late afternoon: I have to say that the weather in Lancing is not always so pleasant, but more often than not it is very acceptable. And this evening was no exception. There were some clouds, but also some blue sky above them, and the sun, peeping through those clouds, created the lovely colours.
I did do some editing on this … quite a lot in fact. After making sure that the sea was level (it looks really odd if it isn’t, as if the water was about to rush out of the picture all over the inside of your computer!), and adding some more contrast and a small bit vibrance to the picture, I then used a slide in Lightroom to make the image more dreamy. I probably overuse this ‘Clarity’ slider, but I do love the effect it gives. And in this case, I do believe that it has worked.
Sometimes photos don’t need much editing, and sometimes they can be made different, but better with the editing tools we have available. I use Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, but there are lots of other editing programs ranging in price from free through to several hundred pounds. You usually get what you pay for, but in my view the cost of the Adobe bundle is well worth the price.