November 2020 - Autumn leaves

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Autumn brings the season of leaves falling and covering the ground. Very often this is just a nuisance and means more unexciting garden work to pick them up and bin them. But sometimes the autumn colours stay on the leaves after they have fallen, and you can get some lovely patterns, colours and shapes on the ground as you walk through woods.

I saw these leaves on a walk around our local golf course – Malden Golf Club – and I really liked the colours. I was expecting some rather dull browns and maybe a few reds, but these leaves had a lot more than that. The photo was taken with my iPhone; I always carry it, and there is a saying that your best camera is the one that you have with you. That’s a bit twee, really, but there is a lot of truth there. And smartphones can take great pictures.  

I’m not so sure that this is a winning photo, but I have taken the original and used a Photoshop tool to create a swirl, so that the leaves look like they are in a whirlpool. The effect is interesting! 


November 2020 - Frosty leaves


November 2020 - A soft, soft sunset